
Live Webcam in Palermo in Sicily

  • Local time
  • Location: Piazza Verde, Palermo, Sicily
  • Source: Weather Sicily
  • Info: Live streaming webcam in Palermo in Sicily. Palermo is located in the northwest of Sicily, on the Gulf of Palermo in the Tyrrhenian Sea. The view shows the Massimo Theatre in the Piazza Verde and Mount Etna can be seen in the distance.

More info: Palermo is the capital of Siciliy which is the largest island in the Meditteranean Sea.

The Teatro Massimo is a majestic opera house which stands in the very heart of Palermo. It opened in 1897, and it is not only the biggest theatre in Italy but one of the biggest theatres in Europe. The auditorium was designed to seat 3,000 people but nowadays hosts just over 1,300. The house’s program includes operas, plays, dance and classical music.

The Teatro Massimo is famous not only for its size but also for the famous flower wheel painting by Luigi Di Giovanni, the royal box and its feature in the final shooting scene in the film, The Godfather

Teatro Massimo was built on the site of an ancient Roman theatre, dating back to the 2nd century BC. The remains of the ancient theatre may still be seen in the basement of the opera house.