
Live Webcam at Palermo Cathedral

  • Local time
  • Location: Palermo, Sicily
  • Source: Weather Sicily
  • Info: Live streaming webcam at Palermo Cathedral in Sicily. Palermo is the capital and largest city of Sicily. The cathedral is one of the most important architectural monuments in Sicily and a Unesco World Heritage site.

More info: Palermo Cathedral is located in the oldest sacred area of Palermo, where previously, the Phoenicians, Romans, Byzantines and Arabs had all built their own places of worship.

Palermo Cathedral was founded in 1184. It was built by Walter Ophamil who was the archbishop of Palermo and King William II’s minister. The main aim of the archbishop was to surpass the glory of the magnificent cathedral of nearby Monreale, and so the Palermo Duomo became an architectural battleground for “The Battle of the Two Cathedrals.”

Amongst the different architectural styles of the Cathedral, there are hints of Islamic influences due to the fact it was origianlly built over the site of a mosque - which itself had formerly been a church.