
Live Webcam in Calgary

  • Local time
  • Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
  • Source:
  • Info: Live streaming webcam in Calgary in Alberta, Canada. Calgary is the largest city in the western Canadian province of Alberta.
    The view shows the Central Memorial Park with a backdrop of the cities high rise office blocks.

    View current weather conditions and forecast for Calgary, Canada here

More info: Calgary is located at the confluence of the Bow and Elbow rivers and is situated on the western edge of the Great Plains, in the foothills of the spectacular Canadian Rockies which lie 100kms to the west.

It is possible to walk 18 km in downtown Calgary without having to go outside. The Plus 15 , a feature unique to Calgary, is an inside walkway that connects 100 buildings with 6o suspended bridges 15 feet above the ground. Calgary is Canada’s sunniest city, with 333 average sunshine days per year. January is usually the coldest month and the lowest temperature ever recorded was chilling -45 °C.

Video showing the city of Calgary after snowfall:

Additional information:
  • Calgary - Destination Canada -
  • Visit Canada -
  • Calgary Travel Guide - US News -
  • Art Galleries and Museums in Calgary - Visit Calgary -
  • Calgary - The Canadian Encyclopoedia -