Kiel Canal and Brunsbuttel Lock, LiveWebcam
- Local time
- Location: Brunsbuttel, Schleswig-holstein, Germany
- Source: livespotting
- Info: Live streaming webcam at Kiel Canal and Brunsbuttel Lock in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. The Kiel Canal links the Baltic Sea to the North Sea and saves ships having to sail around the Jutland Peninsula in Denmark.
More info: The Kiel Canal was built in 1895 and is a 68-mile canal through the rich dairy farmland of Germany’s Schleswig-Holstein region, connecting the North Sea to the Baltic and avoiding a 250-nautical mile navigation around the Jutland peninsula and through the Kattegat Strait.
There are detailed traffic rules for the canal with each vessel being classified in one of six traffic groups according to its dimensions. Larger ships are obliged to accept pilots and specialised canal helmsmen, in some cases even the assistance of a tugboat. Furthermore, there are regulations regarding the passing of oncoming ships. Larger ships are sometimes required to moor at the bollards provided at intervals along the canal to allow the passage of oncoming vessels. Special rules apply to pleasure craft and sailboats without a motor are not allowed.
The maximum length for ships passing through the Kiel Canal is 235.50 metres with the maximum width 32.50 metres. All permanent, fixed bridges crossing the canal since its construction have a clearance of 42 metres.
Fantastic video of Ship Spotting on the Kiel Canal in Germany:
Video courtesy of Airliners and Ships Channel
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