plane landing at moho beach

Live Airport Webcam, St Martin, Caribbean

  • Local time
  • Location: Princess Juliana International Airport, St. Martin, Caribbean
  • Source:
  • Info: Live Princess Juliana International Airport webcam on St Martin in the Caribbean. This famous view shows aeroplanes taking off and landing and passing over Moho Beach and very close to tourists watching the event.
    The webcam is located at the Sunset Bar on Moho Beach. Plane spotting has become so popular that the Sunset Bar writes up flight schedules on a surf board.

    View current weather conditions and forecast for Princess Juliana International Airport, St. Martin, here

    View Flight Arrivals and Departures for Philadelphia International Airport, at flightradar24
Video showing an aeroplanes very low pass at Princess Juliana Airport, St Martin:

More info: The runway at Princess Juliana International Airport on St. Martin, is just over 7,500 feet in length, which puts it right on the limit for larger jets arriving. This means aircraft having to use every single foot of runway, and pass low over the water and beach on landing. Take off is just as exciting as observers standing too close are likely to get knocked off their feet from the huge jet blast from the planes.

The event has become a great attraction for visitors and tourists who can watch aeroplanes landing and taking off in such close proximity to the beach despite the dangers. In 2017 a New Zealand woman died from injuries sustained by jet blast from a departing aircraft and tourists have been often criticised for dangerous behaviour on the beach.

The airport originally began as a US military airstrip in 1942 during World War II. The following year the first commercial flight landed on 3 December 1943. The future Queen Juliana visited the island using the airport in 1944. Eventually, the airport was named after her. In 1964 the airport was remodelled and relocated, with a new terminal building and control tower.

On 6 September 2017, the airport suffered significant damage when Hurricane Irma struck the island as a Category 5 hurricane.

Additional Information:
  • Princess Juliana International Airport - Visit St Martin -